First of all, the knowledge of all San Diego neighborhoods which our agents possess, is a priceless factor in seeking out the right kinds of investment for individual investors. There’s simply no substitute for knowing the area inside and out, and being aware of all the best opportunities to present to our clients.
You might be surprised to learn that it won’t cost you anything to have a buyer’s agent working on your behalf, because it’s typically the seller’s responsibility to pay the commission for the seller agent as well as the buyer agent. This normally runs in the neighborhood of 6% of the property sale price, and that amount is evenly divided between both agents.
When you’re trying to decide on the right agent to represent you in your investments, you should be careful to choose a full-time agent as opposed to a part-time agent. Our experienced brokers and agents are all full-time specialists, which means they will always be available to make timely offers on your behalf, so that no opportunities will be missed.
Sometimes real estate opportunities are only available for a very short period of time, and only a full-time agent will be able to take advantage of that brief window of availability. Count on our experienced real estate buyers to always be alert and ready to seize the opportunity when it arises. One of the best things about working with Sunset Realty buyers is that they take the time to discuss your real estate objectives with you and find out what you can afford in the way of investment.
Then our people can guide you through available opportunities in the many different neighborhoods comprising greater San Diego, so you’ll be aware of all possible options. From there, it will simply be a matter of deciding on which opportunities you’re interested in, and having our expert agents take you through the entire process of acquiring the property.